Five questions for Toyo Pumps asked Toyo Pumps’ Richard Binning for a quick background on the Vancouver-headquartered firm.

1. What is Toyo Pumps

Toyo Pumps North America is a world leader in slurry pumping solutions with high quality, long lasting pumps that can handle everything from dirty water to the heaviest slurries.

2. What’s the number one thing customers are asking you for?

Quality. Not only do our customers value us because of our reliable & durable products but also our highly efficient level of customer service. Without the quality Toyo obtains and continually improves on as a whole, we would not be the well-known company we are today.

3. What is the challenge of running a manufacturing facility in BC?

Operating a manufacturing facility in BC has its challenges. Labour Cost, currency fluctuation, and a limited manufacturing vendor support are a few of the challenges we face.

4. You started as a mining services business. What areas have you diversified? How did you plan to diversify?

Toyo Pumps started as a mining services business over 34 years ago and still today mining is a very important part of our business. We have diversified into Power, Dredging/Construction, Steel, Petroleum, Chemical, Food and Beverage, Pulp and Paper, Municipal, Sand and Gravel, Environmental, Automotive, Cement, Agricultural and the Textile and Cellulose industries.

5. You recently opened an office in Latin America. Why? What are the challenges of working in Latin America?

Servicing the Latin American market has its challenges including the languages, long distance, taxes and import duties. Toyo is addressing these issues and having good success in Latin America.