INFOGRAPHIC: Trading Forex – a large and liquid market

In case you haven’t been paying much attention to Forex, it might be a wise idea to keep it in mind. Trading foreign currencies is a multi-trillion dollar a day market and it brings many benefits to the table for investors.

Investing Beyond the Stock Market

An alternative to trading on the stock market is trading currencies on the Foreign Exchange Market (Forex).

Although trading currency may not be a sexy as trading stock, it certainly has its merits. Since the market is international, investors can trade at any time of the day and are not confined to the hours of Wall Street trading. Furthermore, the daily market for Forex trading is in the trillions. There are a lot of traders on the market and these traders typically only trade a few key currencies. This means that it is possible to get in and out of large trades rather easily.

Traders can use online services like FXCM to exchange currencies. It may not be for everyone, but it does represent a viable alternative to trading on Wall Street.