Canadian man that blew up mine, killed nine, is out of jail

Canadian man that blew up mine, killed nine, is out of jail

Yellowknife native Roger Warren, who has been serving a life sentence for mass murder after he blew up the now closed Giant Mine 21 years ago, was granted day parole Tuesday in Mission, B.C.

All I can say is, I’m sorry,” Warren said, choking up, during the hearing, Canadian Press reports. “I always prayed people wouldn’t waste their life hating me,” he added.

The former miner, now 70, will be allow to walk free during daytime, but must return to his community-based residential facility at the end of each day and meet regularly with a Parole Officer.

He will live in a halfway house during his release, which will come up for renewal in six months. He will also have to avoid any contact with the victims’ families, won’t be allow to drink any alcohol and must attend counselling for the rest of his life.

Warren is serving a life sentence for nine counts of second-degree murder as a result of bombing the gold mine in 1992. At the time, it was one of the worst mass murders in Canadian history.

Image by Trevor MacInnis/Wikimedia Commons