Buried treasure: Family, dog find rare gold coins worth $10 million

Coins unearthed by California family

Coins unearthed by California family | Photo courtesy of Kagin’s

Next time you take your dog for a walk you may want to reconsider before you yank him away from a soil-sniffing session.

While taking their dog for a walk, a California family uncovered 1,400 rare US gold coins buried in cans on their property, according to Kagin’s, the California-based numismatic firm which the family contacted.

“I saw an old can sticking out of the ground on a trail that we had walked almost every day for many, many years,” one of the family members said in an interview posted on Kagin’s site.

“It is believed to be the greatest buried treasure ever unearthed in the United States, with an estimated value in excess of $10 Million,” Kagin’s wrote.

Gold coin

Photo courtesy of Kagin’s

The coins were created between 1847 and 1894 and many are in “pristine condition,” Dr. Donald Kagin, president of the rare coin company and the country’s only numismatics Ph.D.-holder, said in a statement.

“This family literally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

The find, which they’re calling the Saddle Ridge Treasure, contains almost 1,400 $20 gold pieces, fifty $10 gold pieces and four $5 gold pieces.

Online retail giant Amazon will sell about 90% of the coins through an “exclusive arrangement,” Kagin’s noted.

Until now, the largest gold treasure unearthed in the US sold for about $1 million.