Caterpillar Ranked 14th Most Admired for HR by Human Resource Executive

Human Resource Executive recently released its 2013 rankings of the Top 50 Most Admired for HR global companies, based on best HR practices. Caterpillar is ranked 14th among the world’s 50 top companies. Each year, Hay Group uses Fortune’s Most Admired Companies database to rank companies to be most admired in the following four categories of HR-related attributes: People Management, Innovation, Product/Service Quality and Management Quality. Caterpillar’s ranking this year represents a jump of two places over last year (No. 16 to No. 14).

“This is recognition for Caterpillar’s global HR community and the business impact we are making by taking a proactive role in employee and leader development,” said Kimberly Hauer, vice president with responsibility for the Human Services Division.

The Human Services Division is sharing a common mission with the global HR community at Caterpillar. To deliver business-driven solutions that provide Caterpillar a competitive advantage, the HR community has aligned on three HR Must Wins.

“The solutions for Leadership Excellence, Integrated Talent Management and Diversity and Inclusion are in place to accelerate both employee and business success. Caterpillar’s success depends on highly-capable and engaged employees. The success of customers depends on the success of our people,” said Hauer.

In 2014, the HR community will continue to drive the Must Wins. The emphasis of Leadership Excellence will be to impact a wider leadership population, including increased communications about front-line leadership. Integrated Talent Management will continue to encourage leaders and employees to share common performance and career expectations. And last, but not least, we will all strive for a truly inclusive environment at Caterpillar with our focus on Diversity and Inclusion.