Russia-owned diamond miner Alrosa plans to export over 36 million carats of rough diamonds next year in an effort to keep its world’s leading position in the market, the company said Tuesday.
Among its priorities for 2014, Alrosa said it aims to complete the construction of the open-pit mine on Botuobinskaya pipe, Nyurba Mining and Processing Division, with production expected to begin in 2015. The group also expects to put into operation the first start-up complex of the Udachny underground mine and at full capacity a few processing plants.
Alrosa believes rough diamonds prices will soar next year. Its predictions are in line with a few recently published reports pointing to a steady demand from the US, paired with an ever growing appetite for these precious stones in China and India, as the main factors to affect diamond prices next year.
The company has scheduled an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to vote on supervisory board members for this Friday, Dec. 20. Andrei Sharonov, who served as Moscow’s deputy mayor in charge of economic policy before leaving for Skolkovo in September, is reportedly the most likely next chairman of the diamond giant.