US House Republicans pushing pro-Canadian-oil-sands report

Alberta oil sands

Republican congressmen on the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee are circulating an industry report favourable to the Canadian oil sands and cross-border energy infrastructure.

The report considers oil from the Canadian tar sands critical to America’s energy mix and North American energy independence, and suggests that greenhouse gas levels used in the production of crude Canadian petroleum are lower or equal to petroleum imported to the US from other countries.

“[Industry] growth has made oil sands the single largest source of U.S. oil imports and also a key source of global supply growth that could account for 16 percent of all new oil production by 2030,” said Kevin Birn of IHS.

“The Keystone XL pipeline and other cross-border energy infrastructure projects are needed to transport Canadian energy supplies to U.S. markets and vice-versa,” the Energy and Commerce Committee said in a statement.

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