Can a Sundance film jolt the uranium sector?

Pandora’s Promise, a documentary about “the radical conversion of some environmentalists and energy experts from anti- to pro-nuclear energy”, will be on CNN tonight at 9:00 pm EDT and again at 9 pm PDT.

The film by Academy-Award-nominated director Robert Stone was an audience favourite at the Sundance Film Festival, according to the film’s press release.

Uranium could use the help. Uranium oxide spot price is US$34.50 per pound, just above the 52-week low of US$34.00. The high is $44.75. was alerted about the film by Kivalliq Energy (CVE:KIV), a Vancouver-based uranium exploration company advancing a deposit in Nunavut.

“We feel that as investors in the uranium sector, this is a must see,” wrote CEO Jim Paterson.