Dassault Systèmes Introduces Geovia Gems 6.6 With New Tools For Underground Mine Planners

Dassault Systèmes introduces the latest version of GEMS from GEOVIA, formerly known as Gemcom Software prior to its acquisition in 2012. GEMS provides collaborative geology and mine planning capabilities that support cross-functional teams involved in exploration, modelling, mine design, long-term planning, and production scheduling. With more mines moving underground, GEMS 6.6 introduces a new ramp design tool and other enhancements for underground mine planners.

The introduction of a new ramp design tool in the GEMS Tunnel Design Module vastly simplifies the current ramp design process by eliminating many small repetitive tasks, rolling them into one easy step. Offering a more agile workflow, GEMS users will also benefit from the ability to make changes throughout the design process, removing the need to start again when changes are necessary. Additionally, the Ramp Design tool saves  time by selecting the most commonly used ramp styles from a range of pre-configured templates, allowing rapid evaluation and scheduling of your resource, enabling quicker overall mine design.

GEMS 6.6

Additional new features include:

  • Regrade-a-line feature allows specified grade parameters to be preserved when moving lines or segments to new positions, eliminating the need to recreate them from scratch.
  • Gradient Smoothing feature removes the need to manually digitise incrementally changing segments with the ability to merge intersections with an existing tunnel centreline so that line segments transition smoothly.
  • Quick view options (XY,YZ,XZ buttons) allow the user to quickly navigate to axis-oriented views.

“The new tools in GEMS are great – especially the quick views, which provide a more flexible and intuitive way to view data. The new Ramp Design and Regrade-a-line tools are also very helpful in reducing the time it takes to create ramp designs,” said Samuel Amoh, mine planning engineer, Dundee Precious Metals Inc.

To learn more about GEMS 6.6 and to watch an overview video, please visit: www.3ds.com/geovia/gems-product-news.

As part of Dassault Systèmes, GEOVIA leads the way in delivering tomorrow’s innovations in modelling and simulation for mining and is home to world-renowned solutions including Surpac, GEMS, Minex, Whittle, MineSched, PCBC, Hub and InSite. For more information, visit www.3ds.com/GEOVIA.