Here’s what the Bank of England’s chief economist did today

Dale Spencer, BofE

Here’s Dale Tweeting from his desk | As Tweeted by @bankofengland

The Bank of England has taken to Twitter to bolster its public image.

On Friday, the Bank’s Cheif Economist Spencer Dale spent several hours answering the public’s questions during a ‘Ask Bank of England’ Twitter session (hash-tag  #AskBoE).

Unfortunately for the crowd, all gold-related questions went unanswered.

@davelee46 is probably referring to this story.


Story here.

But enough about unanswered questions. Here’s what the BofE did want to talk about.




Plenty more at the full session here.

The Twitter exchange also gave rise to a few cat pictures, at which point the Bank decided to sign off.

Spencer Dale
Mark Carney