Stubbornly resilient lithium supply remains hurdle to recovery
Lithium prices have plunged since late 2022 on oversupply and slower-than-expected growth in electric vehicle demand.
A crude oil pipeline has leaked an estimated 20 thousand barrels into a North Dakota wheat farm, believed to be the largest land based spill in US history.
The pipeline takes crude from Tioga, North Dakota, part of the Bakken formation to rail cars roughly 70 km away.
Early assessments of the accident state that a quarter-inch hole is to blame for the spillage.
Tesoro Logistics LP, the company in charge of the pipeline, has released a statement, claiming that no surface waters have been impacted.
Martin Harrington
what happens when it rains? I guess the oil soaked ground doesn’t drain down it goes back up to heaven. I think the company should build new homes for their ececutives right in the middle of the ruined farm. After all they always clean it up and make it right again , don’t they?
Looks like there is a containment berm. the oil will thus stay in that area. Usually spill sites have the soil tested and then the contaminated soil is removed by truck and excavator to a treatment facility. Clean fill is brought in to reclaim the site.