Quickly Identify Your Target Mineral In Real Time with EZ-ID™ software from SPECTRAL EVOLUTION.

Lawrence, MA – October 8, 2013 – EZ-ID software running on an oreXpress™ portable spectrometer is an ideal solution for fast, easy, and accurate mineral identification in the field.

EZ-ID software allows you to compare your target scans with the USGS spectral library or commercially available libraries to determine a best match. EZ-ID software can be used on unknown samples found on outcrops, in pits, hand samples and is especially useful in  fast and accurate core logging application. EZ-ID features:

  • Fast and accurate identification of an unknown mineral to a known library sample
  • Easy to use – just collect a target scan using the oreXpress spectrometer and see immediate match results in real time
  • Simple, consistent user interface
  • USGS library included, works with other libraries
  • Include or exclude spectral regions of interest for optimal results
  • Fast scanning for optimum field work or core shack logging

With our Custom Library Builder software module, EZ-ID allows you to scan known samples and quickly build a custom library for a particular project, mineral, location, and more. You can select pre-defined metadata fields or define your own.

The combination of EZ-ID software and the oreXpress field portable spectrometer for mining offer geologists a complete mineral identification system to improve mining exploration.

The oreXpress spectrometer with companion GETAC PS336 handheld microcomputer features:

  • 350-2500nm spectral range
  • Auto dark shutter and autoexposure for easy, one-touch scanning
  • No optimization required to start scanning – get to work as soon as you hit the field
  • With the GETAC PS336, easily tag spectra with images from the auto-focus digital camera, e-compass, altimeter, GPS data, and voice notes
  • GETAC sunlight readable VGA display
  • Mineral contact probe with metal-clad fiber optic cable
  • Lightweight LI-ion batteries for power in the field
  • Accessories include core shack fold-up field cart and benchtop reflectance probe

For more information: http://www.spectralevolution.com/Mining_software_EZID.html