SRK Consulting celebrates 35 years in North America

After 35 years in business, SRK’s practice in North America (NA) is celebrating past successes and looking forward to exciting prospects.

SRK Consulting was established in 1974 in Johannesburg, South Africa and initially focused on providing geotechnical and mining solutions for its predominantly mining industry clients. The company has since grown into an international organization that provides a comprehensive range of consulting services to resource industries. Worldwide, the company employs more than 1600 professionals in 50 offices on 6 continents.

The North American branch of the business was launched in 1978 when SRK opened its first international office in Vancouver, Canada. Since then, SRK (NA) has attracted and retained consultants who are leaders in the fields of geology, mining, environmental science and management, rock mechanics, civil geotechnics, and water and waste management. SRK (NA) now employs 300 technical specialists in 14 offices in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

“Our people have been the key to SRK’s growth and success,” said Andy Barrett, global and North American president of SRK. “To recognize their achievements and the support of clients and service providers, we hosted a 35th anniversary celebration in Vancouver.” Special guests acknowledged for their contributions included Andy Robertson, one of SRK’s three founding partners; Jim Robertson, SRK (NA)’s first employee; and Keith Robinson, a decade-long employee who served as both CEO and Chairman.

Barrett also thanked SRK’s many clients for their continued trust and support. SRK (NA) has worked on challenging projects around the world. Some project highlights include a structural interpretation that led to the discovery of a new zone at the Pogo mine, Alaska; mining method selection for the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia; closure studies for the Giant mine near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; technical and strategic advice to the US Department of Defense for attracting investors to mining assets in Afghanistan; and the valuation of Falconbridge’s portfolio of exploration assets worldwide.

SRK looks forward to assisting clients for many more years to come.

About SRK Consulting

SRK Consulting is an independent, international consulting practice that provides focused advice and solutions to clients, mainly from earth and water resource industries. For mining projects, SRK offers services from exploration through feasibility, mine planning, and production to mine closure. Please see for more information.