Top scientists overstate global warming: leaked UN report

A leaked UN draft report on climate change allegedly shows that computer predictions of global warming used by top scientists turned out to be inaccurate.

The 2013 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, scheduled for publication later this month, is said to correct the 2007 version, which “did not take enough notice of natural variability in the climate, therefore exaggerating the effect of increased carbon emissions on world temperatures,” the Telegraph reports.

The 2013 version claims that the globe is “warming at a rate of 0.12C per decade since 1951, compared to a prediction of 0.13C per decade in their last assessment published in 2007.”

The scientists admit that their computer models failed also to predict the “pause” in global warming that has been observed over the past 16 years: since 1997, “world average temperatures have not shown any statistically significant increase.”

The document also shows that prior to the Industrial Revolution, some parts of the globe were just as warm for “decades at a time as they are now.”

Report author Professor Myles Allen of Oxford University was quick to remind critics and supporters of the IPCC that scientists must constantly revise their work as new data come in.

“It is not a bible, it is a scientific review, an assessment of the literature. Frankly both sides are seriously confused on how science works – the critics of the IPCC and the environmentalists who credit the IPCC as if it is the gospel.”