Canadian mine supplier gets rid of Hells Angels, owner faces death threats

Canadian mine supplier Xtreme Mining and Demolition did something that no other business has dared to try so far — the Saskatoon-based company got rid of all employees with connections to the Hells Angels biker gang.

But owner Leonard Banga’s life is now in danger, reports The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, as a possible revenge wouldn’t be surprising.

Banga has said he’s got nothing against the Hells Angels, but he said he wouldn’t tolerate further intimidation and attacks to himself and his employees. So he fired close to 200 people and now he is in the process of filling up the vacancies.

Applicants must first deny in writing any connection to a “criminal organization” such as the Hells Angels.

“I hope everyone supports (Banga). He has balls. This is how a community starts to stand up to organized crime,” international Hells Angels expert Yves Lavigne was quoted as saying.

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