Best reactions to Apple’s gold iPhone rumour

While mining companies bemoan falling gold prices, Apple is looking to take advantage: Rumor has it that the tech corporation is planning on making a gold iPhone.

Just kidding – sort of. Apple is allegedly preparing a gold-COLOURED iPhone … not as exciting as the real thing but exciting enough to have some people on Twitter talking.

Here are some Twitter gems about the (potential) new gold member of the Apple family.

And what would an iPhone rumour be without hate from the Android camp?

Of course, the introduction of a gold iPhone would lead to a slew of first world problems. As tweeted by @luche21,

Aside from the snazzy colour, the newest iPhone is also rumored to have a fingerprint sensor, larger screen and a lower price tag.

But why wait? Gizmodo reports how you can make your existing iPhone gold without Apple’s help, starting at just $6,250.