France’s Areva running at full capacity after May suicide attack

France’s uranium miner Areva (EPA:AREVA) has resumed operations at its Somair mine in Niger, after a suicide attack in May killed one worker and injured 14.

Somair is running at full capacity two months ahead of schedule, Olivier Wantz, a manager at Areva, told France’s L’Express.

Production has not been completely interrupted since the incident: Extraction resumed one day after the attack and one of two processing lines was back in order by mid-June. On Wednesday the second line was back in business.

In 2012, Somair reported production of 3,000 tonnes of uranium, which amounts to about two-thirds of the country’s output, Mining Weekly reports.

Areva has been operating in Niger for more than 40 years with two sites, Somair and Cominak, currently producing. Another project is set to begin extracting in 2015.