Efficient Logistics in Mining- The Road to Success

In today’s highly competitive mining environment, logistics plays a pivotal role. Customer focus is the prime priority. Mining companies are looking to move their volumes of produce in the most cost-efficient manner and also at the same time are looking for better logistical solutions. Companies are looking at idling capacity, lowering inventory costs, reducing freight costs, lowering risks and examine emerging opportunities.

The primary focus of a company is building a smart supply chain function for the future. By  Prioritizing logistics as an operational and strategic function and not a financial component the industry is getting more attentive towards organized logistics management. South Africa known as one of the world’s largest hub for mining, companies  have started shifting their focus towards an efficient logistics management.

Automation in logistics is the future of the mining industry as falling commodity prices and high labour costs have forced companies to look at new emerging technology. Underground loaders, drones, autonomous train transportation, driver-less trucks are a few trending topics  in the industry.

Understanding the need for changes in the mining industry, Fleming Gulf Conferences is organising the 2nd Annual Global Logistics in Mining Forum on 12-13 November 2013. Mr. Jeremy Green (Council for scientific & industrial research) will share his insights on the  role of automation in mine logistics. Last year’s edition was held in London, UK, where the conference brought together decision makers and influencers of logistics and supply chain from top mining companies. This year, the event will  take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, known for the deepest mines in the world.

This forum will also feature top mining experts such as Leroy Musa Nsibande, (Arcelor Mittal) who will address the issue of how all supply chain activities should be brought into one strategic business unit. Mr. Braam Uys  (Rio tinto) will share his expertise on  managing logistics to and from remote locations. An interactive panel discussion will focus on investing in state of art technologies. This forum will also highlight key issues such as building a smart supply chain management for the future, optimizing costs yet accelerating growth, eliminating deficiencies in the infrastructure of transportation capacity and quality, supplier risk management and also the latest trends in inventory and warehouse management.

This conference will be attended by the decision makers from global mining companies and will provide two days of industry specific in-depth knowledge and precise information along with the opportunity to network and exchange business ideas with the corporate leaders of the mining industry.

Visit http://www.fleminggulf.com/conferenceview/Global-Logistics-In-Mining-2012/267  for more information.