Join us for an Advanced Tailings Management webcast

Spent time today preparing for an upcoming EduMine webcast.

At this link are the details of the webcast we call Advanced Tailings and Mine Waste Facility Design, Construction, Operation, and Closure.

We have given this course before and it was popular—so now back by popular demand. Although this is not the same course we gave before.

Things move seemingly so fast regarding tailings that we are adding new material and changing the emphasis as requested in comments on the first course.

I lead the course and give a few of the talks. But I am joined by other specialists. First is a very old friend, Ian Hutchison of SLR; he is an expert in so many things that I am not, including surface water, decision making, and closure. Next is Robert Cooke of Patterson and Cooke; he is an expert in making and transporting tailings, so we all stand to learn from him.

Then there are three younger fellows who work with me here at RGC. Lawrence Charlebois has just recently received permission from Suncor to talk about work on tailings flow and beaching that he did for the TRO program and for which he got his masters degree. Then Bernard Brixel who is coauthor with me on the EduMine course on Groundwater Modeling for Mines, will talk on what he has been doing in this regard in the past few months—an excellent case history. Finally Paul Fergusson, with a doctorate in geochemistry will talk on the knotty issues of the geochemistry of tailings and mine waste.

The webcast comes the week after Paste 2013. This is coincidence. But it gives us the opportunity to talk about some of the papers to be presented at this conference being held in Belo Horizonte. I read and reviewed many of the papers and will select and talk about a few that I found interesting and informative, and which advance our state of knowledge. So too will Ian and Lawrence. Thus you will get the best of Paste 2013 without having to travel miles to a distance place and spend thousands doing so.

We will also draw on some of the best papers from the recent conference in Lima, Peru on Mine Water Solutions in Extreme Environments.

In addition to attending the webcast, you will get a few weeks of free access to over 180 EduMine courses. They deal with almost everything mining. At this link you will find the courses that I have written. We will not repeat in the webcast what is in these courses: rather I will assume that you already have equivalent experience & knowledge; or have read some of them, in particular the course on tailings. Regardless, together they constitute a venerable encyclopedia (Wikipedia?) of things tailings and mine waste.

Even if you do not attend the webcast, I recommend the EduMine courses as a source of information at any time a new issue arises at your mine. And if I do not cover the issue in these courses please let me know, and I will blog about it and then add to the relevant course.

Come join us. The cost is small by comparison with going to the conferences the best of which we draw on. The cost is a bit more than old, out-of-date text books—but we are right up-to-date. And it is all easy and fun: log on to your computer in the comfort of your office for three hours on three successive days, and hey-presto catch up or refresh all you need to know about tailings.

For more from Jack Caldwell, see his blog, I Think Mining

Image: EduMine