Giant coal miner Cerrejon bombed in Colombia

A bomb attack Thursday morning derailed a train used by Colombia’s biggest coal producer Cerrejon to transport goods to Puerto Bolivar on the coast, reports Reuters.

Cerrejon said 17 wagons were hit putting the train out of commission for three or four days, however, port and mining operations would continue.

The bombing comes a few days after the giant coal miner —  a joint venture between Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Xstrata — resumed operations following a month-long labour strike that impeded exports.

Earlier this year, the company’s railway and trucks were bombed in two separate incidents. Last year, there were seven attacks.

Military officials suspect the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a.k.a. FARC, were involved with the explosive assault.

Reportedly, the FARC has had a limited presence in the northern province of Guajira following the pushback from right-wing paramilitary groups in the 2000s.

Another study claims new criminal actors, who emerged following the breakup of paramilitary groups and the traditional cartels, are the main perpetrators in the region.

Puerto Bolivar is on the northern coast of Colombia:

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