WDC launches website for 2013 Annual Meeting, enabling online registration for Tel Aviv gathering

NEW YORK: FEBRUARY 27, 2013 – The World Diamond Council has launched a dedicated website for its Ninth Annual Meeting, which will take place on May 5 and 6 in Tel Aviv, Israel. The website enables participants to register online, as well as to book hotel rooms at special rates.

The dedicated WDC Annual Meeting website is located at:  http://meeting2013.worlddiamondcouncil.org/

The two official WDC Annual Meeting hotels are the David Intercontinental Tel Aviv and the Dan Panorama Tel Aviv, both of which are in immediate proximity to the Dan Panorama Convention Center, where the Annual Meeting will take place. The preferential rates being offered to meeting participants will be obtained automatically when booking via the website.

The dedicated WDC Annual Meeting website also includes a preliminary congress program, as well essential information concerning travel to Israel.

The WDC Annual Meeting, which will gather together leaders of the diamond and jewelry industries from around the world, as well as representatives of government and civil society, is the official forum for the General Assembly of the WDC. The host of the meeting will be the Israel Diamond Institute Group of Companies.

The first day of the Annual Meeting, May 5, will include a WDC board meeting and a get-together reception in the evening. The second day, May 6, will include the WDC Plenary Session, and it will conclude with a gala dinner.