Belarus logs 19.2% decline in potash fertilizer exports for Jan-Oct

Belarus has seen a stunning 19.2% decline in exports of potash fertilizer for the period of January – October 2012, prompting measures to expand the number of licensed potash exporters.

Black Sea Grain reports that deliveries to both CIS and non-CIS countries plunged during the first ten months of the year, falling 15.3% and 19.3% respectively compared to the same period in the preceding year. Countries outside the CIS still account for the vast majority of exports, at 3,100,800 tonnes compared to 132,900 tonnes in deliveries to CIS member-states.

The Belarus government now hopes to bolster overseas sales of potash fertilizer by expanding the number of licensed exporters.

Under a new decree the head of state will grant licenses at is discretion to other companies in addition to OAO Belaruskali and the Belarusian Potash Company, formerly the only two companies possessing an exclusive right to the foreign trade of potash fertilizer.

OAO Belaruskali is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of potash fertilizer with a 16% share of the global export market and annual output in excess of 10 million tonnes. The company has a 45% stake in the Belarusian Potash Company, which is also a leading global exporter of potash fertilizer.