Copper production increased by 14.9% YoY in Peru in October 2012

According to a report by the National Statistics Institute in Peru (INEI), copper production increased by 14.9% YoY in October 2012.

Copper production increased in the Peruvian departments of Pasco (82.9%), Ancash (68.2%), La Libertad (40.7%), Cajamarca (22%), Ica (11.7%) and Lima (2.6%).

However, copper production experienced a decrease in the departments of Cuzco (-64.5%), Ayacucho (-48.2%), Puno (-28.6%), Moquegua (-14.3%), Tacna (-10.3%), Huánuco (-8%), Huancavelica (-5.3%), Junín (-3.6%) and Arequipa (-0.7%).

Source (Spanish): America Economia via BrightWire News.