Investments in lithium projects in Argentina total USD 4 billion in 2012

Investments in lithium projects in Argentina have amounted to around USD 4 billion in 2012.

Toyota is currently carrying out a lithium project together with JEMSE in the Olaroz Salt Pan, with a total investment of USD 1.3 billion and estimated annual production of 16,000 tons of lithium.

Mitsubishi, together with Lithium Americas, is carrying out exploration works at the Cauchari Salt Pan in Jujuy. USD 3 billion has been invested for the construction of a mine, which is estimated to produce 20,000 tons of lithium chloride per year.

Other projects include the explorations of the Sal de Vida salt pan by Lithium One in Catamarca and the Mariana salt pan in Salta, carried out by Lithium Corporation.

Global lithium reserves are estimated to total 10 million metric tons, of which 9 million metric tons are thought to be located in Latin America, mainly Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

Source (Spanish): El Cronista via BrightWire News.