Aurecon expands simulation capability in answer to client needs

Engineering, project delivery and advisory services provider Aurecon, has made a number of key appointments to develop an enhanced operational simulation capability.

Colin Eustace, Paul Corry and Simon Smith join Aurecon with a wealth of experience in simulation of both local and international rail, port, mining and supply chain operations. From detailed rail yard operations in Greenville New York, to stockpile and truck fleet sizing for spoil removal from tunnels in Brisbane, collectively they have led operational modelling projects at a conceptual or detailed level for a wide variety of projects around the globe.

Paul Corry

Colin Eustace

Simon Smith

They have also played a key role in many Australian coal and iron ore supply chain analysis projects over the last decade.

Leveraging industry leading technology and analysis techniques, the expanded capability aims to help our clients optimise their capital expenditure in new developments and expansions, and provide clarity on the impact of changes to their business operations.

“We see many synergies throughout Aurecon and we’re really looking forward to working with specialists in different areas to meet operations analysis needs,” Colin said.

Lee Williams, Technical Director, Resources & Manufacturing, and Principal, Materials Handling, on the Wiggins Island Coal Terminal Project, said:  “Having a port and terminal simulation capability will provide a great addition to our recognised skills in these areas. It will give us the opportunity to develop the optimum solutions for our clients, backed up by the robustness and rigour that dynamic simulation provides.”