E-Learning as Solution for Skills Improvement of Mine Workers

As reported on miningweekly.com, the online training provider The Training Room Online thinks that the African mining industry can benefit from e-learning courses. Even at remote mine sites, workers have the chance to improve their operating skills through online training.

Many mines across Africa are in remote locations, and, therefore, it is costly and difficult to transport skilled training contractors to site to train personnel. E-Learning is an effective training solution as mineworkers do not need to be split into groups to ensure they get the attention they need – each worker can work through training material at his/her own pace, based on his/her basic education and knowledge of the area of expertise the training focuses on.

E-learning offers mining operations the opportunity to compile quality training programs, which use quality trainers or experts, and then relay it to workers using online or appropriate digital training techniques to deliver programs to any location, whether Internet access is available or not.