Village Main Reef: Workers return to Blyvoor mine

Village Main Reef Gold Mining Co. said today that striking workers at its Blyvoor mine have returned to work after having accepted a wage increase proposal from the company’s management.

Village Main Reef said that 772 workers out of a total of 941 reported for work this morning. The remaining 169 employees have until tomorrow to appeal against their dismissals.

Company joint CEO Marius Saaiman said, “We made a wage offer to our employees in line with the offer put to the National Union of Mineworkers by the Chamber of Mines last week. There were no other changes proposed.”

Meanwhile, Gold Fields Ltd. has reported that all of its 6,200 workers have returned to work at the one, two and three shafts at its Beatrix gold mine. Roughly 2,800 workers remain on strike at the Oryx (four) shaft.

Source (English): Miningmx