Peruvian copper production up 9.37% in July

Peruvian copper production increased 9.37% YoY in July to 109,916 fine metric tons, according to a report by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

According to the report, the rise was due in part to increases in production at Compañía Minera Milpo (45.30% increase), Antamina (24.39%) and Southern Copper (17.63%).

Production decreased at Minera El Brocal (79.44%) and Xstrata Tintaya (44.88%), a subsidary of Xstrata.

Form January to July, Peru produced a total of 721,229 fine metric tons of copper, representing a 4.49% YoY increase.

Antamina, Southern Copper and Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde were Peru’s largest copper producers in July.

Source (Spanish): Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines