Malema calls for general mining strike and nationalization

Julius Malema, the ex-leader of the Youth League of South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), called on the government to nationalize the country’s mines in a radio interview today.

Malema said, “We are calling for mining change in South Africa. We want the mines nationalized. We want the workers paid a living wage… and somebody has to listen.”

“Now we want to show them that we mean business,” Malema added. “We are going to be engaging in very peaceful yet radical and militant action that will hit straight into the pockets of white monopoly capital.”

Malema has turned against the leadership of the ANC after being expelled from the party for misconduct earlier this year. The ANC will hold an important party election at the end of the year.
Mining accounts for one-fifth of South Afica’s GDP.

Source (English): Independent Online