Dumas Mining will be rocking and rolling at “Canada Sings” Tuesday night

Canadian supplier Dumas Mining has been working hard in the past few weeks, putting a lot of time and effort in a cause that has nothing to do with mining, except when it comes to passion and commitment.

Dumas has created a team of singing and dancing enthusiasts who will competing Tuesday night for a chance to win $25,000, which will be passed on to CNIB’s Joseph Lake Centre, a charity provides community-based support, knowledge and a national voice to ensure Canadians who are blind or partially sighted have the confidence, skills and opportunities to fully participate in life.

One of Dumas’ workers and part of the dancing team was a direct beneficiary of CINB, so the team has said they feel even more motivated to win.

“If someone had told me I was going to be singing and dancing with co-workers and underground miners, I would have said that personas was out of his mind,” says one of the Dumas contestants.

In this new season of “Canada Sings”, a show from Global TV, everyday working Canadians from some of the most dynamic workplaces in the country are encouraged to form extraordinary clubs and compete against another workplace team.

Every week, two teams face off on the Canada Sings stage for a chance to win the money to be allocated to a charity that ignites their passion.

As the creators of the TV show say “It is a ‘Glee’ with a mission — the chance to change people’s lives,” and Dumas wants to nail it.

You can watch a preview of tonight’s presentation here.