Chinese consumption surprise sees copper price come roaring back

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Copper snapped a losing streak and recovered from a sharp drop in New York on Wednesday with traders betting that supply will remain tight in the near term.

Earlier on Thursday Goldman Sachs came out with a report showing Chinese copper usage in April came in at the second highest run rate on record while world number one producer Codelco said its output fell 10% in the first quarter.

Copper for July delivery was trading at $3.43 a pound in late dealings on the Comex in New York, down from a day high of just under $3.45.

Bloomberg quotes Matthew Zeman, a strategist at Kingsview Financial in Chicago: “We’re seeing a respite from selling across the board. The thinking is that China will continue to ease, and that’s helping buoy markets. Output and inventory issues are also going to help keep a floor under copper prices.”

Prices slid 2.5% on Wednesday with the red metal falling to a fresh 4-month following a a broad commodities sell-off over mounting worries about the global macro-economic outlook.

The copper price remains more than 10% weaker than a month ago and today’s price also represents a 23% pullback from historic highs hit at the end of July last year of a shade under $4.50 a pound (more than $10,000 a tonne).

While supply remains constrained near term a slew of new mines are coming on stream next year and in 2014 which according to analysts at Wood Mackenzie translates into great supply growth than in 1998–2011 put together.

Read more about the changing market for copper: