Mulcair’s resource sector attack is an electoral numbers game

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair criticized the resource sector for driving up the Canadian dollar and hurting manufacturing in Ontario, a Canadian Dutch disease.

Mulcair has been roundly criticized by the Western premiers and risks alienating the west, but Michael Den Tandt says the attack is not folly but careful counting by the leader of the opposition on where he is mostly likely to win seats in the next general election:

To see the logic, one need only take a look at seat distribution after re-allocation, set to go into effect before the next federal election. Ontario, with 106 seats now, will have 121 after re-allocation, out of a total seat count of 338. Quebec will have 78 seats, British Columbia 42, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 34,14 and 14, respectively. In other words, the three Prairie provinces combined will hold just 62 seats – less than half Ontario’s tally.

Read more here.