BHP Billiton appoints new Energy Coal and Mineral Exploration executive

BHP Billiton announced today that it has appointed Ian Maxwell as President Energy Coal. The appointment follows the move of Jimmy Wilson from Energy Coal to take up the position of President Iron Ore, announced on 30 March.

Ian joined BHP Billiton in 2004 as President Minerals Exploration. Previously, he was Managing Director and Head of Global Mining Research for Citigroup. In his early career he worked for Anglo American and Rio Tinto in a variety of Exploration and Business Development roles. Ian has a BSc in Mining Geology from the Royal School of Mines.

BHP Billiton Group Executive and Chief Executive Ferrous and Coal, Marcus Randolph, said: “Ian has invaluable global experience and a deep understanding of BHP Billiton’s operating model and the energy coal market. I am delighted to welcome him to the leadership role in Energy Coal.”

Danny Malchuk, currently BHP Billiton Vice President Strategy and Development, Base Metals, will take over from Ian as President Minerals Exploration. Danny joined Base Metals in 2002 in Business Development and was Asset Leader Joint Ventures before being appointed to his current role in 2007. Prior to joining BHP Billiton, he worked in investment banking with Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. Danny holds an industrial engineering degree from University of Chile and an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles.

BHP Billiton Group Executive and Chief Executive Non-Ferrous, Andrew Mackenzie, said: “Danny has been a strong leader within Base Metals and his experience within the operations will be an asset to the Minerals Exploration team. I look forward to continuing to work with Danny as he takes on this exciting and challenging area of the business.”

Both appointments will be effective from 1 July 2012. Ian will be based in Sydney, Australia, while Danny will lead the Minerals Exploration team from Singapore.