World first successful carbon fibre HQ drill rod trial

carbon-fibre-drill-rod-trial_full.jpgIn what is believed to be a world first, a carbon fibre drill rod has successfully drilled during simulated mineral exploration at the Deep Exploration Technologies CRC Drilling Research and Training Facility at Brukunga in South Australia. The carbon fibre drill rod produced by Queensland-based Teakle Composites, will revolutionise the drilling industry according to the CEO of the CRC Professor Richard Hillis. “It will provide a stronger, lighter, safer and smarter drilling rod than the traditional steel product,” he said. “Teakle’s drill rod is more than 50% lighter than a steel rod and there is the potential to embed a sensor within the wall of the rod. This will enable drillers to collect information about the type and value of material they are drilling through, the precise direction they are drilling and also about potential drilling hazards.” Minerals Down Under researchers work closely with the Deep Exploration technologies CRC which commenced testing of the prototype drill rod on the Boart Longyear SC9 drill rig. The prototype rod is being used to drill through hard rock at various rotational speeds and loads to evaluate its performance. (more…)