Wildrose’s pedal to the metal strategy for the oil and gas sector

The favourite in Monday’s Alberta election, Danielle Smith and her Wildrose party, plans to push the province’s oil and gas advantage if elected.

In the party’s Policy Green Book, the party sidesteps worries about greenhouse gas emmissions saying the science still isn’t clear.

“The discussion surrounding global warming has become highly emotional,” writes the party in its Policy Green Book.

“There is obviously still healthy scientific debate as to the extent manmade emissions of CO2 are affecting global temperatures and this debate will likely carry on formany years.”

The party believes the Carbon Capture and Storage initiative was wasteful and ineffective. Wildrose plans to eliminate it if elected.

Smith, a former journalist who worked in print, radio and television, criticizes the Progressive Conservative government of under-promoting and downplaying Alberta energy. Wildrose plans to promote the resource sector more forcefully.

“Alberta needs and deserves a government that is able to competently manage our energy industries and clearly articulate our positive and powerfulmessage to Canada and the world.”

The Policy Green Book states that Alberta needs to diversify its trading partners and increase trade with Asia. Expect Wildrose to push more strongly for gas pipelines in British Columbia, like Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project.

Image of Danielle Smith from WildroseTV