A pretty infographic to take on the Kimberley Process

MINING.com reported on how opponents and proponents of hydraulic fracturing were using videos and infographics to argue their case.

Now a London jeweler, Ingle and Rhode, is taking on the Kimberely Process and using an infographic to explain why, according to the company, that the standard is not up to snuff.

“The Kimberley Process only addresses diamonds produced in areas controlled by rebel militias. It doesn’t take into consideration violence committed by government forces,” writes Tim Ingle from Ingle and Rhode.

“It is important that consumers are aware that the Kimberley Process does not guarantee that a diamond is conflict-free. In order to know whether a diamond has been ethically produced you need to be able to trace it back to its source.”

The company developed a graphic that focuses on diamond production in Zimbabwe, the seventh largest producer of diamonds in the world.

“The graphic details the human rights abuses in the area and the amount of money that is suspected of bypassing the national purse, going straight to the president’s allies. Since this conflict does not involve warring rebel militias, the KPCS considers Zimbabwe diamonds to be conflict-free.”