Ontario pays God’s Lake Resources $3.5 million for surrendering mining lease

Ontario will pay $3.5 million to Toronto-based junior mineral exploration company God’s Lake Resources (GLR) for surrendering its mining lease and claims near the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation.

In the agreement reached today, GLR has surrendered its mining lease and claims, north of Red Lake in northwestern Ontario. “The lands are now subject to the province’s recent withdrawal from staking and mineral exploration in the area,” Ontario’s Ministry of Northern Development and Mines said in a statement.

The Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) community has been protesting and demanding actions from the local government to prevent God’s Lake from prospecting and mineral staking in what they say are their native lands.

Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development and Mines,  said in a statement his government is committed to assisting companies move forward with exploration and development in the province and that it continues to meet its duty to consult.

“With mineral exploration investment in Ontario reaching an historic $1 billion, clearly there are excellent economic opportunities for all affected parties, including First Nations communities, who are interested in benefitting from our successful mining industry,” Bartolucci said.

This was not the first time that the Ontario Government faces demands from the KI First Nation community. A few years ago, six of their members were arrested when they opposed Canadian miner Platinex Ltd. (TSX-V:PTX) that wanted to explore on their lands. In Dec 2009, Platinex received $5-million Cdn from the Ontario government to end the dispute and walk away from its project. The events moved Ontario to draw up a new Mining Act and caused the province’s mining-friendly reputation some damage.
