Jim Rogers says Myanmar is an ‘astonishing opportunity’

While the long-closed and suppressed country of Myanmar holds elections and starts to haltingly open up, Jim Rogers says the country has an amazing potential, similar to China when it first undertook its economic revival.

“If I could put all of my money into Myanmar, I would,” said Rogers at a Singapore last month, according to BI-ME.

Rogers noted that the country sits between the two BRIC countries, China and India. It is also rich in agriculture, metals and resources. He told CNBC that the country is an “astonishing opportunity.”

During the early part of the last century when Myanmar was ruled by the British, the country was the second-wealthiest in Southeast Asia. Years of government mis-rule and poor economic policy made the country one of the poorest in the region.

In other news, Aung San Suu Kyi cancelled her campaign for a seat in parliament after falling ill. She has been ordered by her doctor to rest and put on a drip. The country goes to the polls in April. Her party, the National League for Democracy, is participating in the upcoming election after being banned from past contests.