Safety first & always: 22 years of safety at mine site technologies

Sydney, NSW, Australia / Golden, CO, USA / Hangzhou, China – Mine Site Technologies focuses on providing communications equipment for the mining industry which enhances customer safety and productivity. At Mine Site Technologies safety is more than just a statement – safety is an integral part of the employee culture.

From the first day a new employee starts with the company to day they retire, they are surrounded with a focus on safety. Every major meeting starts with a safety discussion. Every board and region report highlights a safety topic and company reports feature a section on safety results. Every employee newsletter includes articles which highlight a safety focused lifestyle for work and at home. Safety is a focus that starts with the senior management and is vital throughout the organization – there is a genuine concern at all levels of the organization that every employee is working and living safely every day.

Mine Site Technologies employees are working in mining and industrial environments around the world every day and they log thousands of man-hours monthly. As a direct result of the “Safety First & Always” culture Mine Site Technologies can report that for calendar 2011 there were no lost time accidents within the global organization making 2011 the 22nd consecutive year of a “zero harm” safety result. Lloyd Zenari, CEO, announced, “Our primary goal is “Home Safe” – ensuring that all of our people get home safely to their families, every day. We have and will always strive for zero-harm across our team.”
