America choosing a post-Chavez Venezuela over Alberta? Say it isn’t so

The late Hugo Chavez wanted to end the dictatorship of the dollar

A blog entry on Alberta Oil Magazine’s website this week asks whether Alberta and Canada should not be paying more attention to political events in Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez, famous among other things for nationalizing the country’s gold industry, is facing stiff opposition from newcomer Henrique Capriles in upcoming presidential elections.

After 13 years in charge, Chavez’s health may also be failing.

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves at just under 296 billion barrels, but under Chavez, the country’s output has actually decreased to 3 million barrels per day.

Darren Campbell writes in Alberta Oil Magazine:

And if Capriles can get his country’s act together when it comes to oil and gas production, Venezuela has a lot of oil, particularly heavy oil, that could flood the market and attract foreign investment at the expense of Alberta’s oil sands.

Foreign Policy sees a “geopolitical shakeup analogous to what has accompanied the rise of shale gas:”

Capriles has already said that, if elected, he will boost oil production. He also has suggested that foreign expertise will be permitted back into the country.