High school grads crush teacher salaries with +$50K/yr mining jobs

The salaries that high school grads can pull in from mining has at least one Idaho teacher considering a mid-life career change.

NPR reports that Don Kotschevar, who teaches shop at a small town in Idaho’s Silver Valley, is questioning his own career path as he watches his students learn skills in industrial mechanics that can be parlayed into lucrative mining jobs:

“Some of them, in the first six, eight months, their salaries absolutely crush mine,” Kotschevar says. Entry-level mine jobs can pay $50,000 a year. Kotschevar has been thinking he could get a similar offer from local mine bosses.

The rising price of silver, along with a shortage of workers, has mining companies in Idaho searching for young recruits. The average miner in the Silver Valley makes $70,000 a year and some make six figures, says NPR.