Chinese companies hurling headlong into Sunshine Oilsands IPO

Reuters reports that sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp (CIC) and state oil company Sinopec are among three cornerstone investors that will pledge $350 million towards Sunshine Oilsands Ltd’s Hong Kong IPO.

A third investor, Washington-based asset manager EIG Global Energy Partners, will invest $50 million, says the Reuters story, citing an anonymous source with knowledge of the matter.

The three institutions will take up nearly half of the $700 million IPO planned for later this year by Canadian oilsands explorer Sunshine Oilsands.

The IPO would be the largest in the world so far in 2012. The much-anticipated Facebook IPO expected to go to market later this year is pegged at $5 billion.

Sunshine Oilsands raised $230 million last year from a group of investors including China Life Insurance, Hong Kong private equity fund Cross-Strait Common Development Fund, and a unit of the Bank of China, Reuters reported.

According to its website, Sunshine owns 467,969 hectares of oil sands leases, which is about 7% of the total  oilsands leases granted in the Athabasca region of Alberta.

The Canadian oilsands have attracted some serious interest from Chinese companies wanting to lock in oil supplies to feed China’s surging economy.

Last year China Petrochemical Corp. purchased a 9% stake in the Syncrude project for US$4.65 billion. In 2009, PetroChina snapped up a stake in Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. for C$1.9 billion.

Chinese interests are also backing the controversial Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline.