Botswana Diamonds plc: Cameroon reconnaissance program yields early successes

The board of Botswana Diamonds (AIM: BOD) is pleased to announce that its geologists have identified sequences of sedimentary rock layers in several localities in the east of its Cameroon diamond licence. These layers include a distinct conglomerate horizon, which is geologically correlated with the paleo-conglomerate that C&K Mining has identified as being diamondiferous. The exploration team is in the process of completing the geological mapping to try and delineate the extent of this conglomerate horizon. In addition to the geological mapping, a number of representative rock specimens were also collected for further study and analysis. A small diamond was recovered from a sample taken from a stream in the area where the conglomerate was identified.

Now that the conglomerate horizon has been identified in the licence area, a follow-up program comprising drilling and trenching/pitting will be implemented. This programme will be aimed at better defining the extent of these conglomerates and, more importantly, to determine whether the conglomerate is diamondiferous. The latter will entail processing some of the conglomerate through a suitable plant to recover any diamonds.

John Teeling, the Chairman of Botswana Diamonds commented:

“This is very exciting for Botswana Diamonds. Our next step is to prove that there are diamonds there. To date the majority of the licence has not been explored and significant scope remains for discovering more areas where the paleo-conglomerate layer is preserved.”