Digitising dust management – ATMOS Global™ launches world’s first global centre for dust forecasting in mining

ATMOS Global™ (ATMOS Australia Pty Ltd – Elite Atmospheric Air Quality Modelling & Forecasting and Climate Change Research Consultants™) launches world’s first Centre for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ to offer to the mining industry on a global scale a next-generation digital approach to avoid or minimise the incidence and scale of environmental dust impacts.

The global financial crisis, water shortages, energy constraints, increased regulatory compliance requirements and changes in community expectations within the mining areas are some of the critical factors that have persuaded the mining industry to re-evaluate the efficiency of traditional dust control methods and explore more advanced solutions.

In general, due to the complexity and scale of mining operations, it is difficult to respond in real-time (at short notice) to emergency dust impacts when they happen. ATMOS Global’s  new global dust forecasting centre generates, on a daily basis, reliable and timely site specific dust impact forecasts that play a central role in helping the mining companies across the globe to:

–          evaluate future complex air quality risks (a few days in advance) and adjust operational plans to avoid or minimise undesirable dust impacts at environmentally sensitive receptors

–          reduce the cost of production (mining) by increasing the efficiency of operational resources

–          enhance the effectiveness of their environmentally proactive and sustainability focused operational strategies.

ATMOS Global’s ATMOS-5DTM is the core platform that supports the operational global and site specific dust impact forecasting activities of the Centre. ATMOS-5DTM is the ground breaking successful dust management approach used for a mining project recently nominated by the government as a finalist (jointly with ATMOS Australia) for one of the most prestigious awards for environmental excellence in Australia.

Dr Orestis Valianatos, the Global President and Chief Executive Officer of ATMOS Global, said that “the new dust impact forecasting centre has the global operational capability to allow mining companies world-wide to undertake, on a daily basis (24/7), a forward value evaluation™ of their site specific dust management strategies based on an analytical approach that balances both current environmental management priorities and future corporate goals. This initiative is part of ATMOS Global‘s ongoing commitment to support the mining industry with leading-edge innovative ideas and services and our dedication to being the best’. 

ATMOS-5DTM is a new and powerful paradigm in dust impact forecasting, management and control, an integrated risk-based and web-based platform (part of the operational DNA) for logical operational decisions based on thoroughly investigated and well understood facts rather than subjective opinion. It has taken ATMOS Global seven years to develop ATMOS-5DTM from a breakthrough concept to its full revolutionary potential and become the high-equity successful brand that it is today.” he said.

ATMOS Global looks forward to welcoming other mining companies that are interested in using our dependable and radically new best-practice approach to dust management to improve their environmental performance. We are honoured to contribute to the intellectual legacy of the 21st century with ATMOS-5DTM, a triumph of science and technology.” he said.

Mining companies that are open to ATMOS Global’s progressive best-practice dust management suggestions and wish to further reduce dust impacts associated with their operations can express their interest in a free consultation* at www.atmosglobal.com ; we have a limited number of free consultations available offered on a first-come-first-served basis.