Ocean Park

The World Gold Council’s latest report “Gold Demand Trends Second Quarter 2011” reported second quarter global gold demand was 919.8 tonnes. Gold demand was the second highest quarterly value on record at US$44.5 billion.

Almost 60% of the companies listed on the TSX Venture exchange are involved in the search for gold. Some, because of their management teams and quality of their projects seem to stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Ocean Park Ventures Corp TSX.V – OCP


OCP’s board of directors includes some well-known industry pros such as Pat McAndless, current VP Exploration for Imperial Metals Corp., Gilles Arseneau, former Manager of Geology for the TSX Venture Exchange and Giulio Bonifacio, founder, President and CEO of Nevada Copper Corp.

Additionally, OCP’s President/Chairman is highly regarded Paul Matysek, current President and CEO of Potash One Inc. Paul sold POT for approximately $454 million to K+S Canada.  Mr. Matysek is a geologist/geochemist by trade and since 1999 has been involved in obtaining over $200 million in exploration and development financing.

Chisna Copper/Gold Property

The Chisna copper/gold property covers 900 square kilometers in South-Central Alaska, 230 kilometers southeast of Fairbanks. After extensive geological mapping and geochemical surveys were done during the 2006-2008 field seasons numerous bedrock, soil and silt geochemical anomalies were identified within the project area.

There has been over 100 discoveries within a fifteen kilometer radius of the main Chisna claim blocks.

The first drill and trench results from the Chisna Project have resulted in a new discovery by Ocean Park that they’re calling the “Notch Target.”
The Notch discovery includes a large one km+ gold-bearing sheer zone. The shear zone has been mapped for 1000 meters of strike and remains open to the west.

Drilling and trenching tested two targets 500 meters apart, the East and West Notch. Results (including 6.8 meters @ 4.49 g/t Gold and 5.1 meters @ 4.57 g/t gold) suggest good continuity of mineralization from surface to over 250 meters down dip, confirms similar styles of alteration and mineralization and that both zones might be part of the same gold-mineralized structure.

The Notch Discovery has easy to test geometry that will allow for rapid progression from discovery to inferred resource – the discovery sits less than 10 km from access roads and less than 15 km from a major all-season highway.

Ocean Park is already halfway through their 50% earn-in on the Chisna property.  The discovery of the Notch Target greatly enhances the chances of the company completing the feasibility study required to earn their 70% interest in the Chisna property.

Trapper’s 3,700 hectare land position covers a five kilometer long zone of intense alteration visible in satellite images and air photos. Eight surface samples returned to date from the main trend that assay 0.5 g/t gold or higher have returned an average of 2.92 g/t gold, 18.98 g/t silver, 0.73% lead and 0.85% zinc.
Over 2,600 meters of diamond drilling have been completed in 13 of 25 planned diamond drill holes – 17 intercepts with greater than one percent sulfide mineralization have been identified to date with an average drill indicated width of 28.18 meters.

The remaining four kilometers of target strike and down dip potential of defined mineralized zones will be tested as part of the 2012 exploration program.

Ocean Park recently acquired 100% interest in the 3347 hectare Golden Fleece and Argonaut properties. The two properties are contiguous with the Trapper property to the southwest and northeast. The addition of these properties increases Ocean Park’s total Trapper land position to over 25,650 hectares, forming a continuous claim package that extends more than 30 kilometers from north to south.

Historic exploration work on the Golden Fleece claims identified extensive gossans that are associated with iron-carbonate alteration similar to that observed at Trapper, making the property prospective for hosting an extension to the Trapper gold-rich polymetallic mineralization system.

Adelita Gold Project

The Adelita Gold Project is 11,400 hectares and straddles the boundary between Sonora and Sinaloa States, Mexico. The geologic setting of the Property is broadly similar to that of Alamo Dorado, Pan American Silver’s open pit (proven and probable reserves of 10 Mt of 95 g/t silver and 0.33 g/t gold) located just six kilometers to the west and the Piedras Verdes Porphyry Copper deposit (proven and probable reserves of 194 Mt of 0.36% copper), located 60 kilometers to the northwest.

Rock chip sampling of the Adelita skarn target in 1998 revealed a mineralized structural zone 600 meters long by 18 meters wide. The skarn was drill tested in 2010 and the presence of a downward-thickening polymetallic mineralized skarn system that is open to expansion was confirmed. Highlights include diamond drill holes CGDD-10-001, which returned 16.15 meters of 1.97% copper, 0.84 g/t gold and 73 g/t silver, and CGDD-10-002 which returned 47.64 meters of 0.98% copper, 0.46 g/t gold and 46 g/t silver.

The skarn mineralization occurs near the edge of a 500 meter by 2,000 meter undrilled copper soil geochemical anomaly. Regional sampling and mapping of altered intrusive rocks suggests a possible buried porphyry system over a three square kilometer area.

High-grade mineral showings and widespread anomalous geochemistry on the property indicates excellent potential for additional discoveries in this demonstrably mineralized region.

Share Structure/Treasury

Issued & Outstanding: 78,570,903

Warrants: 17,767,482

Options: 3,485,000

Fully Diluted: 99,823,385

Market Cap: $43,213,997

Cash: $12,628,433


Ocean Park is earning into three large land packages in areas with a propensity for giving up discoveries – all three properties have mineralization and lots of structure. Chisna, on the very first OCP drill program, has given up a new discovery, the Notch target. The Trapper project should have news flow starting soon and Ocean Park’s Adelita Gold Project already has two targets – the polymetallic skarn and a possible buried porphyry system – and excellent potential for further discovery. As well Adelita can be worked year round.

For all these reasons Ocean Park should be on every investors radar screen. Is the company on yours?

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This document is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. Richard Mills has based this document on information obtained from sources he believes to be reliable but which has not been independently verified; Richard Mills makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability as to its accuracy or completeness. Expressions of opinion are those of Richard Mills only and are subject to change without notice. Richard Mills assumes no warranty, liability or guarantee for the current relevance, correctness or completeness of any information provided within this Report and will not be held liable for the consequence of reliance upon any opinion or statement contained herein or any omission. Furthermore, I, Richard Mills, assume no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage or, in particular, for lost profit, which you may incur as a result of the use and existence of the information provided within this Report.

Richard Mills does not own any shares of Ocean Park Ventures Corp TSX.V – OCP

Ocean Park Ventures Corp TSX.V – OCP is an advertiser on Richards website aheadoftheherd.com