Chinese mine manager smeared coal on his face to avoid prosecution

A Chinese mine manager who smeared coal on his face to appear to be trapped in a mine where 34 workers died has been detained by police, MailOnline reported:

“After the accident, Qi (Guming) ‘rushed down the shaft and smeared coal on his face to pretend he had escaped from underground,’ the newspaper said. ‘On Sunday the public security authority confirmed that Qi did not go down the shaft on that day, and made false claims to the rescue command office.'”

Under new safety laws passed last year in China, mine bosses who do not go underground with their workers face severe punishments, including fines up to 80% of their previous year’s income and being banned from supervision work.

Nine miners are still trapped in the Sizhuang Coal Mine in Yunnan province, after an explosion caused the mine to collapse.

