Mintek, Braemore Achieve Important Milestones in Conroast Technology Development

Mintek and Braemore Resources plc are planning to double the throughput of the ConRoast smelter at Mintek, following seven months of successful continuous operation.

Since October 2007, the DC arc furnace at Mintek has treated high-chromium material containing platinum group metals (PGMs) sourced by Braemore at rates of more than 1 000 tons per month, producing a total of more than 600 tons of alloy containing PGMs. PGM recoveries have consistently exceeded 99 per cent, even when smelting selected lower-grade revert tailings. Throughout the operation, the sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions have been negligible, averaging less than three parts per million (ppm) – well below the regulated limit…MEI Online