Gold bugs conspiracy theory goes mainstream

Support for the favourite gold bug conspiracy theory – that a cabal of western central bankers is secretly determined to manipulate the world’s markets by rigging gold prices – has come from an unexpected quarter.

On Saturday, the Financial Times US Editor Gillian Tett – she was one of only a handful in the mainstream financial press that predicted the sub-prime mortgage meltdown and has since been regarded as something of an oracle – writes sympathetically about the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee after attending a speech by its outspoken leader Chris Powell. Click here for the article (free sub required).

KingWorldNews spoke to John Hathaway, industry veteran and manager of the Tocqueville Gold Fund, on the subject last week: “Any sort of attempt to hold back the market sooner or later falls apart. So you can keep the market off balance for a while, but you can’t do it forever and the longer the move is put off, the bigger the explosion on the upside.”

According to their website, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was organized in the fall of 1998 to expose, oppose, and litigate against collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial instruments.

At the other end of the spectrum in the gold debate there are those who are saying gold’s precipitous $300 drop in September represents a fundamental market shift. reported earlier in October on the view that “if gold is falling in a weak economy, and investors are willing to own US dollars again, imagine how it will perform when the global economy eventually moves from chaos to prosperity, and more traditional investments – those that produce products, dividends and jobs – come back in fashion.”