Switzerland’s Scoach to allow trade in gold-denominated structured products

Swiss structured products exchange Scoach has become the world’s first exchange to allow trading in gold-denominated structured products and might also allow exchange traded funds (ETFs) with gold as the trading currency.

Structured products priced in gold, with the international currency code XAU, could previously only be traded over the counter, making them generally less liquid and prices less visible than for products traded on an exchange.

“As of today, issuers can list structured products in gold and trade them in XAU,” said Scoach spokesman Stephan Meier. “There were already structured products denominated in XAU, but previously you couldn’t trade them on an exchange.”

Scoach, a joint venture between Switzerland’s SIX Group and Deutsche Boerse, teamed up with EFG Financial Products , the structured products arm of the Swiss private bank, to launch the new structured products.

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