Why diamonds are nothing like gold

MarketWatch reports since the late 1970s, one man, Martin Rapaport, and his firm, The Rapaport Group, has largely been responsible for setting the prices of the polished diamonds that thousands of manufacturers, dealers, wholesalers and eventually retailers around the world rely on to conduct their transactions.

Now, there are moves afoot to break that dominance, partly as a result of an unwritten desire to democratize what has been a far from transparent enterprise, but also as the case is increasingly made — most forcefully, it’s worth noting, by Rapaport himself — to treat diamonds just like any other successfully traded commodity, such as oil or gold.

MarketWatch quotes Rapaport: “Diamonds are like a ping-pong ball on the financial ocean. There is a certain amount of luxury demand for them, as you have for gold, but the challenge, and why they are so confusing and very much not like gold, mostly reflects the lack of standardization in terms of quality.”

More after the jump.